Un recorrido por la misa
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Un recorrido por la misa

Timothy P. O'Malley

Order code: SWTMASS | 978-1-61671-777-3 | Saddlestitched | 4 1/8 x 7 1/2 | 32 pages | Language: Spanish | Copyright Year: 2024

E-book Edition: SWTMASS

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A Walk through the Mass will take you on an awe-inspiring journey through the Mass. Each chapter is focused on a particular part of the Mass. Within each chapter, Timothy P. O’Malley provides accessible context for why Catholics pray at Mass in a specific way and provides the meaning behind our postures, movements, and prayers. It will lead you to a greater understanding of the Mass and deepen your relationship with God and all who pray with you. This is the perfect resource for those interested in the Catholic faith, for new Catholics, or for those who need a refresher on our most important prayer.

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