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La Liturgia
La fuente y culmen de nuestra vida cristiana

Corinna Laughlin

Order code: SLSS | 978-1-61671-563-2 | Paperback | 5 3/8 x 8 3/8 | 80 pages | Language: Spanish | Copyright Year: 2020

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The Catholic Church teaches that the celebration of the liturgy is the “source and summit of the Christian life” (Lumen gentium, 11). Participating in the liturgy—the Mass, the Liturgy of the Hours, the sacramental rites, blessings, and other official rites—is the most important act of Catholic Christians, for it is through the liturgy that the faithful give praise to God, thank him for his blessings, and go forth strengthened and challenged to life as Christ’s disciples in the world.

This easy-to-read resource explores what it means to call liturgy “source and summit.” It will help the Catholic faithful understand the meaning of the liturgy and its importance to our life of faith and come to a deeper relationship with God through the transformative power of the liturgy.

“The proverb ‘Good things come in small packages’ is magnificently confirmed by Corrina Laughlin’s short booklet on the liturgy as source and summit of the Christian life.  . . .  Succinct yet deeply grounded in the Scriptures and the Church’s teaching and supplied with open-ended questions for reflection, [this resource] will enrich worship committee members, liturgical ministers, and teen and adult faith groups.”
—Rev. Jan Michael Joncas, Artist in Residence and Research Fellow in Catholic Studies, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota

"Dr. Laughlin invites both practitioners and participants to return to the fundamentals of liturgical prayer--What do we do? What does it mean? She focuses our attention on how the liturgy draws all to the source to be nourished and, from its summit, how it sends the many forth in compassionate love for the least. Liturgy as encounter, exchange, and school of faith feeds our hungry hearts with the living Christ as we engage him through son, ritual, and Word."
—Roc O'Connor, sj

"Corinna Laughlin offers readers an accessible exploration of the Church's liturgy as 'source and summit of the Christian life.' With its readable presentations, on key aspects of liturgy, and questions suitable for small group discussion, this resource will prove to be helpful for parishioners who seek to understand and participate more fully in the liturgy."
—Anne Y. Koester, JD, MA, Senior Compliance Specialist/Protection of Minors Policy Manager, Office of Compliance and Ethics, Georgetown University, Washington, DC

“Written in a simple, conversational tone, Corinna Laughlin’s work on the liturgy is anything but simplistic.  She easily draws the reader into her explanations of basic truths about liturgy (and the Eucharist in particular) and Christian liturgical living.”
—Joyce Ann Zimmerman, C.PP.S., Director, Institute for Liturgical Ministry, Dayton, Ohio

This supplement will be available soon.