Frequently Asked Questions

LTP wants to make your online experience easy and user-friendly. If you have any questions that are not answered below or have suggestions on how we can better serve your online experience, please contact us via e-mail at

Using the Store Search

  • How do I search for items?

To search, click on the magnifying glass, located at the top of every page next to the Shopping Cart, and a drop-down search box will appear.

To search, enter the keyword, title, author, ISBN, order code, media type (book, video, magazine, etc.), or a description in the Search field. When you submit your search, you will see a page listing all products that match your search criteria.

  • Why can’t I find a specific issue of Pastoral Liturgy magazine?

At this time, our back issues of Pastoral Liturgy are not a part of the online store. If you wish to request a specific issue, please contact Customer Service by phone at 800-933-1800 or by e-mail at to submit your request. To view the current issue of Pastoral Liturgy, please click here.

  • What if I can’t find what I’m looking for?

If you can’t locate a product, the product may not be available in our online store because it is a specific issue of our subscription item (Pastoral Liturgy) and cannot be searched, or your search criteria does not match the information about the product stored in our online database. You may want to broaden your search if you entered a very specific term.

If you still can't find what you are looking for, please contact Customer Service for further assistance via email at or by phone at 800-933-1800 (M-F 8:30 am-4:30 pm CT).

Your Online Account

  • Create an Account

For our online system to identify you, and your order to be processed, you must create an online account before continuing with your order purchase. Your online account provides information about you (including your name, phone number, billing/shipping address, e-mail, and security question). Once you create your online account, you are assigned a customer account number that LTP automatically adds to all orders, invoices, and statements. Please use your account number whenever you order or need to contact us, as it will help us to easily identify you on our database.

  • How do I create an account?

You can create your online account in one of two ways:

1. Click the customer icon and select Login from the drop-down menu on the top right of the page. At this point, you can register for a new account. (Or, if you have an existing account, login with you e-mail address and password.)

2. If you have placed items in your Shopping Cart, click the Shopping Cart icon and proceed to checkout. You will be prompted to log in with your existing e-mail or asked to register for a new account.

When creating your customer account, please be sure to fill in all the required fields. You will receive an error message at the top of the page if a field is missing. The information you provide will help to ensure an easy checkout process.

  • Password Reset

Passwords are case sensitive. If reentering your password using the correct case doesn’t work, or if you have forgotten your password, click the Forgot Password? button on the Login page. You will be prompted to provide your e-mail address you used to create the account. If this e-mail matches our database, your password will be reset and the new password will be e-mailed to you. If you did not receive an e-mail, please be sure to check your Spam inbox. Use the new password when logging into your account, and you will then be able to edit your password to your discretion.

If you are still having difficulty accessing your online account, please contact Customer Service by e-mail at or by phone at 800-933-1800 (M–F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm CT) for further assistance.

  • Updating Your Account

If you need to makes changes to your online account, click on the Customer icon and select Login from the drop down menu on the top right of the page. Once you have logged in, you can edit your personal information. After you have made your changes, click the Update Account button to save your changes.

If you are having difficulty updating your online account, please contact Customer Service by e-mail at or by phone at 800-933-1800 (M–F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm CT) for further assistance. Please have your customer account number on hand for a quicker reference.

Checkout and Ordering Process

  • Why can’t I purchase an e-book?

At this time, our e-books are not a part of the online store. These items are only available for purchase through Amazon Kindle, Google Play Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, and Apple iBooks. To make your online search easier, we have provided the ISBNs for each platform. The ISBN can be located on the product page of the product through our online store.

  • Where is my Shopping Cart?

Your Shopping Cart makes it easy to build your order. As you browse or search our online catalog, you will notice that next to each item is an Add to Cart button. If an item interests you, you can add it to your Shopping Cart by clicking that button. You will also be able to access your Shopping Cart on every page for quick reference at the top of every page by hovering over the Shopping Cart icon.

Please note that this does not obligate you to order that specific item. When you go to the Shopping Cart screen, you will have the opportunity to verify your order before officially placing it. If you update the quantity or remove the item from your shopping cart, you must click the button labeled Update Total to effect the change.

  • What are my payment options?

All customers may place orders by using a major credit card. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.

  • How do I check out once I have items in my Shopping Cart?

If you have placed items in your Shopping Cart, but are not a registered customer, you must first create an account to finalize your order. To register for an account, please refer to the Your Online Account section of this page for questions regarding the creation of an account.

If you are a registered customer and have not logged into your account, you will need to do so at this point. Once logged in you will be directed to the Order Confirmation page. Review all of the information on the page, including billing information, shipping information (if different), and the items in your cart. Once you have verified your order, click the Submit Order button. A new page will appear with a receipt of your order. You will also be sent a confirmation e-mail.

  • How do I know that you have received my order?

When you have successfully completed your checkout, the following two things should happen:

1. You will be directed to the Order Confirmation page prompting you to confirm your order. Once you have confirmed your order, the Order Completed page will provide you with a web receipt that includes a confirmation/order number with your order details.

2. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with a confirmation/order number and your order details (the same information you saw at the Order Completed page).

The confirmation e-mail and web receipt will only appear if the order has been recorded to our database. All online orders will be processed as quickly as possible.

If you did not receive the above information, please make sure you have entered all the required fields to process your order. If you received the Order Completed page but did not receive an e-mail, be sure to check your Spam inbox.

If you are still having difficulty, please contact Customer Service by e-mail at or by phone at 800-933-1800.

  • How long will it take to receive my order?

Orders are shipped within 2 to 3 business days. Actual completion time varies by your selected delivery method as well as seasonal circumstances. Note that order processing and delivery time increases between Labor Day and Easter due to the liturgical seasons and the volume of orders for seasonal materials, but average processing time is 2 to 3 business days. Please allow sufficient time for your order to reach you before it is needed. Expedited shipping is available upon request for an additional charge. Rush shipments may include extra handling fees.

Please refer to Shipping Options for more detailed information. (link for above)

  • What if I have a problem placing my order and need to make changes?

If you are having difficulty placing your order, or have already placed your order and need to make changes (quantity change, cancel an item, change shipping information, etc.), please contact Customer Service via e-mail at or by phone at 800-933-1800 (M–F 8:30 am–4:30 pm CT). Please provide us with as much information as possible so that we can better assist you.

Shipping and Tax Information

  • Shipping

Shipping charges vary and are determined by the amount of your purchase, your selected delivery method, and where you reside. If you have any questions regarding Shipping, please refer to our Shipping Options page for more detailed information. (link for above)

  • Sales Tax

Illinois customers will be charged a 10.25% sales tax. If your organization is based in Illinois and you are tax-exempt, contact customer service at 800-933-1800 to place your order. Please provide your tax-exempt letter and number for verification. Once an order is submitted, the tax cannot be removed.

Additional Questions

  • Can I place an order for shipment outside of the United States?

LTP will ship nearly anywhere in the world. Please refer to our International Distributors page for more detailed information.

  • May I reprint or reproduce material from LTP?

Written permission is required to reprint or reproduce material from LTP. Please refer to our Permissions Requests page for more detailed information.

  • How can I submit my own manuscript for publication?

For information about submitting your manuscript, please refer to our Manuscript Submission Guidelines page.

  • What if I can’t find a downloadable file or subscription that I purchased?

All LTP downloadable files and subscriptions (Word, PDF, videos, etc.) can be accessed through your online account.

First, verify that your computer has Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. If not, click to download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader. This software is free and is available for both Windows and Mac users. (link for Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Once you have installed Adobe Acrobat Reader, you may access your downloadable files and/or subscriptions by logging into to your online account. Scroll down to the section labeled My Downloads and click on “Click here to view your subscriptions and downloads.” A new page, Downloadable Resources, will appear with all the resources you purchased.

If you are still having difficulty accessing your downloadable file and/or subscription, please contact Customer Service by e-mail at or by phone at 800-933-1800 (M–F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm CT).

  • How can I request a review copy?

Thank you for your interest in LTP resources. We are always interested in hearing from those wishing to write reviews of our books for publication. If you would like to request a review copy from LTP, please submit your request via e-mail to and include the following criteria:

About You:

  • 1. Full Name
  • 2. E-mail Address
  • 3. Reason for Request (review, author interview, etc.)
  • 4. Shipping Address (please include address, city, state, zip code, country)
  • 5. Phone Number
  • 6. Name of Resource you are requesting to review (please include as much information as possible so that we send the correct product)

About Your Publication:

  • 1. Name of Publication
  • 2. URL of Publication
  • 3. Type of Publication
  • 4. Readership (academic, students, parish leaders, etc.)


  • Please send to LTP by mail a copy of any reviews that are published (Send to: LTP, 3949 South Racine Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60609-2523); fax (US and Canada: 773-579-4929, International Customers: 773-579-4900); or e-mail (
  • Review copy requests may take up to 2 weeks to process (including delivery). If you are on a tight deadline, please be sure to state that in your request.
  • If you are requesting more than one title, please prioritize your choices as review copies are limited. We may not be able to fulfill all of your requests.
  • If you are requesting a title that has a future availability date, we will send the product as soon as it becomes available. The estimated month of release is noted on every catalog and on the website.

Still need help? Contact Customer Service by e-mail at or by phone at 800-933-1800 (M–F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm CT).

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