Contact Us

Business Hours
Monday through Friday*
Bookstore: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm CT
Customer Service: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm CT

Customer Service
Phone: 773-579-4900
Toll free: 800-933-1800
International Customers: 773-579-4900
Fax: 773-579-4929
General E-mail:

Mailing Address
3949 South Racine Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60609-2523

*LTP offices are closed for all major US holidays.

To reach the following persons in the sales and fulfillment office, please use the staff directory below (US customers call 800-933-1800; international customers call, 773-579-4900):

Sales Team
U.S. Toll Free: 800-933-1800

Liliana Ortiz, Sales Supervisor
Sharon Waller, Customer Service and Sales Associate
Alex Aguilar, Trade Representative and Sales Associate

Questions regarding existing orders, shipments, and returns
U.S. Toll Free: 800-933-1800
International Customers: 773-579-4900

Shipping and Receiving Coordinator
Pete Jimenez, ext. 3572
To reach the following persons in the LTP administration office, call 773-579-4900:
Deanna M. Keefe, ext. 3570

Business Manager
Brian Wells, ext. 3533

Managing Editor
Michael A. Dodd, ext. 3586

Training and Events Manager
Michael Ruzicki, ext. 3531

Marketing and Sales Manager
Nick Liveris, ext. 3520

Christina N. Condyles, ext. 3537
Ricardo Lopez, ext. 3559
Danielle A. Noe, ext. 3571
Michael Ruzicki, ext. 3531
Michaela Tudela, ext. 3587
Rachel Espinoza, ext. 3553


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