In the Midst of Our Storms
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In the Midst of Our Storms
Opening Ourselves to Christ in the Liturgy

Roc O’Connor

Order code: IMOS | 978-1-61671-236-5 | Paperback | 128 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2015

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Christ offers us himself in the liturgy but we often distance ourselves from the love of Christ by keeping our storms, our fears and sins, our sorrows and disappointments, hidden from God. Author Roc O’Connor encourages readers to practice a Eucharistic spirituality that integrates each part of our lives. He presents an approach that aids worshippers in becoming consciously present to the Real Presence. Through this method, believers discover how Word, gesture, and symbol guide them to encounter the Risen Christ and to journey to where the liturgy calls them.

“A beautiful invitation into the riches of the liturgical life, presented in a way that will appeal to both presiders and congregants alike, and that will enable all the faithful to more fully, actively and consciously encounter Christ in worship and prayer. Highly recommended.”

—James Martin, SJ
Author of Jesus: A Pilgrimage


“You will need an open heart when you open this book. Roc O'Connor will guide you through the landscape of the liturgy and the terrain of the spirit. As shepherd and poet, he leads a journey that will lighten your cares and enlighten your prayers.”

—Paul Turner

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