Order code: EMEF | 978-1-61671-293-8 | Saddlestitched | 4-1/4 x 5-1/2 | 32 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2015
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In His Mercy Endures Forever: Encountering God’s Mercy, author Stephen S. Wilbricht, CSC, explores how we gather at Mass as an assembly called together by a merciful God. Highlighting mercy as a defining hallmark of our life in Christ, this resource will help parishes during the coming Jubilee Year of Mercy break open what it means to belong to a compassionate God. At Mass, we implore God’s mercy during the Kyrie and Prayer of the Faithful, are approached by God during the Liturgy of the Word, and eat and drink the Body and Blood of Christ, God’s gift to us.
Throughout this 32-page booklet, Fr. Wilbricht shows that the mercy we are extended during the Mass requires a response. He explains that, we who share in the Eucharist are to bring Christ’s resurrected life to the world. We live out our mission as bearers of mercy to others.
Reading this booklet, parishioners will see how participation in the Mass is rehearsal for living in the Kingdom of God, where justice and mercy reign.
Questions for discussion and reflection at the end of each short chapter will help individuals and groups examine their understanding of the Mass and their role as Christians to bring God’s gift of mercy to all they encounter.
In his concise, comprehensive work His Mercy Endures Forever: Encountering God’s Mercy in the Mass, Stephen Wilbricht offers an important lens for celebrating the Mass, the lens of mercy. God is mercy (Ps. 103:8) and gathering as the Body of Christ, God’s mercy made flesh, we encounter the mercy of God. This is so true that, “[t]he Mass breaks apart our hardened hearts, bit by bit, so that we might accept God’s loving kindness and offer it to others.” Read these words. Reflect on the discussion questions. And by celebrating Mass will grow more compassionate and give flesh to God’s mercy.
Rev. Paul Colloton, OSFS, associate pastor of Immaculate Conception/St. Jude Parish, Elkton, Maryland.
"In time for Pope Francis' Year of Mercy, His Mercy Endures Forever allows the person in the pew to engage with the Mass in new and concrete ways. In this timely booklet, readers learn to identify God's mercy as an avenue into the liturgy as well as the binding force between liturgy and life."
-Letitia Thornton, director for worship and formation, Diocese of Boise, Idaho
This supplement will be available soon.