Order code: GIM | 978-1-61671-110-8 | Paperback | 7 x 10 | 224 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2013
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The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us that “the liturgy is...the privileged place for catechizing the People of God” (1075). This book is an invitation to that privileged place, the liturgy, where we encounter the great mystery of Christ that must be at the heart of our catechesis. This book is about the great mystery that is God and our encounters with God and God’s saving love for us.
This book is for all those engaged in mystagogia--the kind of catechesis and formation that is the result of careful attention to and reflection on the celebration of liturgy. This is a wonderful resource for catechists and liturgists who seek to help those with whom they work to enter more deeply into the mystery of God.
This supplement will be available soon.