Sacramental Mystery Third Ed.

The Sacramental Mystery Third Ed.

Paul Haffner

Order code: SACMYS3 | 978-0-85244-894-6 | Paperback | 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 | 276 pages | Language: English | Only ships to: USA, CAN, MEX | Copyright Year: 2016

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Haffner outlines how the sacraments are the chief means in the Church through which God's people are reconciled to the Father, through His Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit. The book illustrates classical issues like the conditions for the validity and the efficacy of the sacraments, as well as the minister, recipient and effects of these sacred mysteries; it deals with particular topics like the necessity of Baptism, the sacrificial character of the Eucharist, and the nature of Marriage. As he examines each sacrament in turn, the author also explores how new ecumenical questions affect Christian sacramental understanding.

Published by Gracewing, UK.  European customers wishing to purchase this title should contact Gracewing directly at">


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