Become What You Receive
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Become What You Receive
A Systematic Study of the Eucharist

John H. McKenna, cm

Order code: HBWR | 978-1-59525-036-0 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 256 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2011

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In this remarkable book, theologian and teacher John McKenna examines our use of sign and symbol as it pertains to the study of the Eucharist, "the source and summit" of the Church. Become What You Receive clarifies the symbols and reality of the Eucharist in a way that will deepen the understanding of this sublime mystery of the Faith. The related concepts of sign and symbol as they pertain to the Eucharist are sometimes difficult concepts to explain and teach. In clear and accessible language, McKenna clarifies the use of sign and symbol from anthropological, phenomenological, ecumenical, and New Testament perspectives. His solid grasp of the history of the Eucharist adds a unique ecumenical perspective as he expertly analyzes historical backgrounds and current eucharistic theologies.

John McKenna, CM, is a Vincentian Father. He is a Professor at St. John's University (NY), He holds an STL and STD from Trierer Theology Fakultat. He is the author of Eucharistic Epiclesis (Hillenbrand Books, 2009).

“The book's title reflects St. Augustine's strong sense of the link between the Eucharist and the transformation of the people, the Body of Christ. ...Perhaps we can bring new sensitivity to the ancient tradition that as Christians we are called to become the One whom we sacramentally consume.”

—From the Introduction

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