Order code: PGC | 978-1-61671-716-2 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 224 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2023
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The baptized are called to serve God and the Church in a variety of ways, utilizing the gifts they have been given by the Holy Spirit. Some are called by God to serve in a special way. They have heard God’s voice and have responded to his call by presenting themselves to the Church to be instituted as a lay catechist, a lector, or an acolyte or to be ordained as a bishop, a priest, or a deacon. The ceremonies of institution and ordination set apart these members of the Catholic faithful as servant leaders, and these liturgical rites affirm the special charisms that have been bestowed upon them by the Holy Spirit.
In Present for God’s Call, Fr. Paul Turner provides the historical evolution of the rites of institution and ordination as well as a pastoral overview of the current Latin texts and English translations of these rites. This book is a timely and important liturgical study on the vocational and ministerial roles in the Church, especially for women, who are now permitted to serve as instituted lectors, acolytes, and catechists.
Unique to Fr. Turner’s study is the emphasis on the faithful’s role in the rites of institution and ordination. The ordination ceremonies expect that the assembly be prepared and that they fully participate in these rites. The entire local Church is called to prepare to take part in these rites, and this book provides one way for this formation to take place.
“At a time when Pope Francis has asked all baptized Christians to take responsibility for the demands of discipleship in order to extend the mercy and compassion of Christ to every nook and cranny of the world, Paul Turner provides an important resource to help us study and appreciate the Church’s rituals of response to the invitation to engage in ministry. Present for God’s Call examines the theology and the historical development of the rites of institution for catechists, lectors, and acolytes, as well as the ordination rites for deacons, priests, and bishops, all the while demonstrating the chief importance of celebrating with praise and thanksgiving the work of the Holy Spirit, who bestows upon Christ’s followers the gifts and charisms needed for service.”
— Stephen S. Wilbricht,
“Present for God’s Call is an important book for the academic classroom but also for individuals in the pew who wish to support and pray for lay ministers in our faith communities. It opens with an excellent summary of the recent history of the evolution of appointed ministries and orders of the Catholic Church. Subsequent chapters focus on the rites of institution of catechists, lectors, and acolytes and ordination of deacons and priests. Most beneficial is the insightful and accessible commentary on the prayers and readings, which highlight the pastoral and theological significance of these ministerial roles for the life of the Church universal.”
— Catherine Cory,
“Father Paul Turner has provided the Church another precious gift: an accessible and reflective book that includes both a historical and theological overview of the rites of institution and ordination as well as pastoral guidance as to how they might be fruitfully celebrated today. I appreciate his timely mention of the importance of women now being admitted to instituted ministries, and how these are proper lay ministries and not simply steps to ordination. While this resource will be especially helpful to those who prepare, preside, and preach at these rites or at the retreats leading up to them, all those who will celebrate these liturgies—those being instituted or ordained, as well as all those in the assembly—will benefit from spending time with this spiritually rich text.”
— Deacon Francis L. Agnoli,
“This reflective work by the scholar and pastor Fr. Turner gives the reader valuable access to beautiful liturgical texts all the while highlighting their scriptural components. Turner helpfully situates these rites within their historical contexts and points out their postconciliar developments.”
— Michael B. Wurtz,
This supplement will be available soon.