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The Gospels

New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition

Order code: CGSTG | 978-1-61671-719-3 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 272 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2023

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After Jesus died and rose, his disciples continued to preach: proclaiming Christ’s resurrection, spreading his teachings, and recalling many facts about the life of Jesus on earth. This is how the Gospels came to be written.

This edition of The Gospels is specifically designed for children to encourage them to come to know Jesus and to foster their love of Scripture. Included are the first four books of the New Testament, written by the evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and selected verses from the Psalms, Isaiah, the Acts of the Apostles, and Revelation. With The Gospels, children will continue their study and meditation of God’s Word.

This book is an ideal gift for children preparing for or have celebrated first Communion or confirmation, or those who are on a journey towards Christian Initiation. It includes:

  • Easy-to-read text and full-page layouts to help children hone their reading skills
  • Full color design to engage the reader with the text
  • Embellished initial caps and numerals to help children identify the beginnings of each chapter
  • Images of the evangelists and visual representations of the land and places of Jesus’ time
  • Scripture text from the New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition

The Gospels is a delight for the children. With this book's interior design, children are encouraged to sharpen their reading skills and linger over God’s Word. The layout allows them to find chapters and verses easily and reflect upon the beauty of the art and the image of Jesus our True Vine. The children understand that they are holding our most precious book, one that contains Jesus’ own words. As they read and reflect on Scripture, they will come to a deeper reality of that which they already experience, the love of God. Ultimately, God’s Word is important for the child who prepares for the sacraments, as the Eucharist is the unity of Bible, Liturgy, and Life—it is where we live out our life in God in a most particular way.”
— Mary Heinrich CGS Level II Catechist
St. Augustin Catholic Church Des Moines, Iowa

This supplement will be available soon.