Order code: LMTN | 978-1-61671-568-7 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 96 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2020
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When our local, national, and global communities face difficult situations, it can be challenging for pastoral ministers to respond appropriately. Liturgy and Ministry in Times of Need provides practical recommendations for incorporating these important needs into liturgical prayer. It eases the burden of preparing liturgy during difficult times and offers guidance for ministering compassionately to those in need.
This resource will help communities with the following situations:
This resource includes:
Wendy Cichanski Caduff, Ann Dickinson Degenhard, Bernard Evans, and Anne Y. Koester contributed to this resource.
"Since the start of the Third Millennium the world and the Church have been faced with some extraordinary situations and circumstances which can be particularly challenging for pastoral ministers. At such times feelings of helplessness and overwhelming emotions can make it difficult to respond to the legitimate needs expressed by people for prayer and pastoral ministry. As Catholics we have access to tremendous resources to carry us through such difficult moments in our various ritual books and sacramental rites. But searching through those resources can be time consuming and even frustrating in a time of crisis. LTP’s “Liturgy and Ministry in Times of Need” is an indispensable resource for pastoral and liturgical ministers. This new offering from LTP collects in one volume pastoral notes, resources for prayer, and concrete outlines to assist the Faithful of various denominations and faith traditions to concretely make their way through difficult moments by means of ritual prayer, pastoral outreach, and individual accompaniment. I look forward to making use of this resource, long overdue, in my own pastoral ministry."
--Most Reverend Robert M. CoerverLiturgy and Ministry in Times of Need is an invaluable resource to help parish and school communities pray together at times of special need. It provides suggestions for celebrating Mass as well as ideas for ecumenical and interreligious gatherings. The suggestions for education, outreach, and pastoral care in times of crisis are especially valuable, making this a useful resource not only for the liturgy planner, but for the whole pastoral team.
--Corinna Laughlin"Most parishes have outreach ministries. Likewise the vast majority of Catholics advance the common good during the week with their efforts on the job, around the home and in the neighborhood. Yet usually Christian action in the world does not inform the weekend liturgy—at least not explicitly.
Liturgy, the work of the people, should animate Christian behavior Monday through Saturday evening and weekend worship should propel people into the world with a sense of compassion and justice. This practical book explains how liturgy and work can benefit each."
--Bill Droel". . . A clear, hands-on, and engaging resource! This book is a helpful manual for all seeking to live out their baptismal vocation in a strident world, and how the Church's liturgy can help communities "rise up" from such events stronger than before."
John Michael Reyes"In lives of ministry, there are those incredibly difficult moments like natural disasters, senseless acts of violence, tragic accidents, or local events like closing a a parish, or discovering sexual abuse. The authors have thoughtfully provided examples of how to pray in Mass, Morning and Evening Prayer, or in ecumenical services. They offer bullet points for preaching, sample intercessions, and much more. None of us longs for disaster, but when the inevitable happens, you will want this text at your side."
--Jill Maria MurdyThis supplement will be available soon.