Liturgy and Catholic Social Teaching
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The Liturgy and Catholic Social Teaching
Participation in Worship and the World

Edited by Danielle A. Noe

Order code: LCST | 978-1-61671-509-0 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 192 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2018

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Catholic social teaching guides us in how we are to live the Gospel in today’s world. Liturgy forms us in these teachings and sends us out into the world to give witness to the Gospel. Organized by the seven themes of Catholic social teaching as developed by the United States bishops, this resource explores the intimate connection between liturgy and Catholic social teaching. It provides insights for parish teams on how Catholics might better live what it is we celebrate each time we gather to worship God and express more fully, consciously, and actively what it means to be in right relationship with God and the world. With questions for discussion and reflection following each thematic chapter, worship teams, parish councils, and peace and justice committees will be able to evaluate and improve parish liturgical practices and ministerial outreach as rooted in Catholic social teaching. With penitential services organized by each of the seven themes, this resource also provides parishioners with the means to examine their own consciences, make acts of reparation, and resolve to be more committed to following the teachings of the Church. "Liturgy and Catholic Social Teaching" resource is sure to help build a world that more closely reflects the love and mercy, justice, and peace of God.

The prayer services found in this book may also be downloaded as a PDF. Additional questions for discussion are also provided online for young adults.

Written by:

  • Kevin Ahern
  • Bernard Evans
  • Anne Y. Koester
  • Thomas Massaro, sj
  • Dawn M. Nothwehr, osf
  • Timothy P. O’Malley
  • Thomas Scirghi, sj
  • Kate Ward
  • With prayer services by Larry Dowling and supplemental discussion questions by John T. Kyler.

"This inviting and accessible book brings together a wealth of experts concerned with strengthening the links between our worship of God in the liturgy and our service to God in society as articulated by Catholic social teaching. The questions for discussion at the end of each chapter will be particularly helpful for parish leaders and groups seeking to show the transformative power and potential of both the liturgy and Catholic social teaching. Highly recommended."

—James Martin, sj

Jesuit priest and author of Jesus: A Pilgrimage

"Liturgy and Catholic Social Teaching unites theologically-rich and pastorally-relevant reflection on the integral relationship between worship and everyday life. All who long to make more vital connections between the Eucharistic table and the work for justice and reconciliation around the tables of the world will find comfort, challenge, and hope in these pages."

—Antonio Alonso, Composer, Author, and Theologian

“As the climate crisis unfolds, I am more convinced than ever that a radical change in the sphere of the heart—re-ignited by the recognition that all of creation is a sacrament—may be the only way to save ourselves from our rush towards the abyss. This book is a vital contribution and a call to action to this effort. It reminds us that our at the center of our liturgical practices is an encounter with the Creator and a celebration on the altar of the world' (Laudato Si’, 236)."

—Dan Misleh

Executive Director, Catholic Climate Covenant

"What joy to have our well-kept secret of Catholic Social Teaching woven into the sacramental liturgies of our Church. My heart rejoiced at the authors lifting up our teaching and making practical how to weave it into the rhythm of our liturgies. Oh please! Read this book. USE IT!! We need to enliven our liturgies with the fullness of faith in these challenging times."

—S. Simone Campbell, SSS

Executive Director

NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice

NETWORK Advocates for Catholic Social Justice

Washington, DC

"This book is an excellent summary of the seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching with each author incorporating texts from theologians, recent papal documents, and statements that clarify and elucidate the topics. It will provide a rich resource for teachers, preachers, and parish staff as they deepen their own understanding of CST and offer educational opportunities to others. The linkages between the themes and our beautiful liturgical cycle and rituals flow effortlessly and open vistas for personal and communal prayer. I used it with the RCIA group and know that the suggested penitential services in the appendix will be appreciated by pastors and parishioners alike for connecting values, actions, and Sacred Scripture. Each of the contributing authors has impressive credentials and provides a solid foundation to the discussion of very serious and timely topics."

—Patricia M. Brown, SSMN, retired director of Catholic Charities of South Georgia, Diocese of Savannah

"Liturgy and Catholic Social Teaching is a valuable contribution to the pastoral challenge of a making Catholic social teaching a constitutive part of parish life. It is an important resource for parish social justice committees and worship committees to study together. Readers will come away with a greater understanding of the Church's rich tradition of social teaching and a deeper appreaction of the Eucharist as the source and summit of the Christian life. The appendix also includes excellent liturgical resources that parishes can use."

—Tom Cordaro

Justice and Outreach Minister

St. Margaret Mary Parish, Naperville, IL

“This resource is an excellent attempt to examine the relationship between liturgy and social justice. I have not seen many books like this. It is truly pioneering. . . . The questions offered at the end of each chapter are provoking. The penitential services are inspiring and devotional. They offer so much variety, whether hymns or responsorial psalms, readings or profound reflective questions. The homily points too are very substantial, pregnant with ideas that can be developed. This book can be a useful resource manual for parishes, parishioners, and liturgists.”

—Fr. John D’Mello, phd

Moral Theologian

Parochial Vicar, St. Patrick Church

Palm Beach Gardens, FL

This supplement will be available soon.