Wedding Feast of the Lamb
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Wedding Feast of the Lamb
Eucharistic Theology from a Biblical, Historical, and Systematic Perspective

Roch A. Kereszty, ocist

Order code: HWFL | 978-1-59525-006-3 | Hardcover | 6 x 9 | 288 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2004

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This text places the Eucharist in the universal context of world religions and shows how the Eucharist is God's response to the universal human quest for the perfect sacrifice of expiation, thanksgiving, and communion. It not only discusses the explicit Eucharistic texts of the New Testament but also shows the role and meaning of the Eucharist within each Gospel, within the theology of Paul, the Letter to the Hebrews, and the Book of Revelation.

It cites forgotten texts and recovers surprising insights from the Fathers that disclose the link between the Eucharist and mystical experience, the presence of all the mysteries of Christ (in particular his death, resurrection, and his coming in glory) in the Eucharistic celebration. The systematic part is developed in dialogue with Protestant concerns regarding the Eucharistic presence of Christ and the Eucharist as sacrifice. It also shows the importance of the Greek Fathers' doctrine on the ontological transformation of the Eucharistic elements for transcending the impasse of the contemporary debate on transignification. This book is an essential resource for the study of the Eucharist in STL, STD, and MDiv courses and libraries. It is also recommended for pastors, deacons, and professors.

The Wedding Feast of the Lamb serves as an excellent textbook for the course on the sacrament of the Eucharist. Seminarians appreciate the theological, liturgical, and spiritual content as well as the study questions and rich bibliography. This text provides course structure yet opens to additional reading from original sources.”

—Sister Esther Mary Nickel, RSM Assistant Professor, Liturgy and Sacramental Theology St. John Vianney Theological Seminary, Denver, Colorado

“The book offers a superb presentation of traditional Roman Catholic eucharistic theology. Many, not just Roman Catholics, will indeed ‘find it helpful in their search for understanding of God’s love and the purpose of human existence’ (vii). [It exhibits] informed respect for modern developments in biblical and patristic studies, and . . . generally sympathetic awareness of contemporary developments that have taken place in eucharistic theology in the course of history. . . . An appendix containing study questions for each of the sixteen chapters plus three appendixes . . . make this book not only an aid for private study and contemplation, but also a resource for classroom use and serious study groups.”

—Robert J. Daly, SJ from Worship

“This book offers a profound, authentically Catholic understanding of the Eucharist, which is in conformity with our great tradition and also makes use of the best of recent studies on the ‘sacrament of sacraments.’ An excellent way to enter into the spirit of the Year of the Eucharist would be to purchase this book and read it carefully. The reader will find it immensely rewarding.”

—Kenneth Baker, SJ from Homiletic & Pastoral Review

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