As part of our mission, LTP is committed to providing training opportunities that promote the liturgical formation of the faithful. Whether in-person or virtually, our training events actively engage participants and present the vision of the Church’s rituals and documents. Be sure to check back regularly for our latest offerings.
In-Person Events
Virtual Events
Parish Consultation Services
The Church’s liturgy invites everyone present into a dynamic encounter with the Lord Jesus. A consultation from a liturgical expert can bring an objective perspective to evaluating your parish’s liturgy. The consultant will provide recommendations tailored to you for celebrating the sacred liturgy with authenticity and fidelity.
Liturgical consultations include an initial conversation, written evaluations, recommentations, and follow up support.
Contract an Event for Your Parish or Diocese
Diocesan representatives and parish communities are invited to contact us at for more information about our in-person and virtual training opportunities. All topics can be presented in English or Spanish. To view available topics on liturgy, liturgical ministry, catechesis, and Christian initiation, or to begin a conversation, please email us.