Understanding the Sacraments of Healing
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Understanding the Sacraments of Healing
A Rite-Based Approach

Randy Stice

Order code: USH | 978-1-61671-249-5 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 176 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2015

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Understanding the Sacraments of Healing: A Rite-Based Approach offers insightful catechesis on the sacraments of Penance and Anointing of the Sick based on the methodology presented in Sacramentum Caritatis. Examining each of the rites’ Old Testament foundations, liturgical history, and sacramental theology, this book explores the connection between the sacraments of initiation and daily Christian life.

This resource would be of interest to directors of religious education, catechists who teach sacramental preparation, liturgists, seminarians, deacon formation programs, and continuing adult formation programs.

This title is also available in Spanish

“What do the sacraments have to do with faith? With Jesus? With my life? Anyone who celebrates the sacraments—and anyone who is charged with preaching or teaching about the sacraments—must have clear and compelling answers to these questions today. Fr. Stice gives us essential answers and insights to the sacraments—here Anointing of the Sick and Penance and Reconciliation—informed by the wisdom of the Church over the centuries.”
Christopher Carstens, Director, Office for Sacred Worship Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin

“Engaging, insightful, and useful, Understanding the Sacraments of Healing: A Rite-Based Approach will be a valuable resource for anyone who seeks to understand the Church’s authentic teaching on the great sacraments of healing. Father Stice sheds particularly beautiful light upon these sacraments through the lens of the actual rituals themselves--that privileged place of encounter with the One who calls all men to communion.”
Reverend John Paul Erickson, Director, Office of Worship Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis

This supplement will be available soon.