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{{vm.product.SpProduct.Article}} Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays 2025
The Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy

Various authors, including Valerie Lee-Jeter, Zack Stachowski, and Robert Valle

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Those who prepare the liturgy are entrusted with a very important task—helping our assemblies encounter the real presence of Christ and be transformed and strengthened for discipleship. Life-giving celebrations of the liturgy help foster and nourish the faith of our parishioners. Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays is a trusted annual publication providing insightful, concise, and detailed suggestions for preparing the Mass each day of the liturgical year. With its focus on celebrating the liturgy well, this resource will guide parish teams in making “the liturgical prayers of the Christian community more alive” (On Sacred Music, 31). It includes:

  • Preaching points
  • Additional Scripture insights for the Proper of Saints
  • Music preparation guidance and song suggestions
  • Ways to connect the liturgy to the Christian life
  • Original Mass texts for Sundays, solemnities, and feasts of the Lord
  • Seasonal worship committee agendas
  • Ideas for celebrating other rites and customs
  • An online supplement for preparing the sacramental rites
  • Seasonal introductions
  • Daily calendar preparation guides
  • Dated entries with liturgical titles, lectionary citations, and vestment colors
  • Scripture insights
  • Brief biographies of the saints and blesseds
  • Guidance for choosing among the options provided in the ritual texts

Sourcebook is my go-to publication for inspiration for daily and Sunday homily material, for notes about the seasons, and ideas I can bring to our worship and hospitality committee. I especially appreciate the sample tropes for the Penitential Act, which are connected to the readings of the Sunday, as well as the other Mass texts. They are easily adaptable to one’s own community and circumstances.”
— Rev. Samuel J. Esposito Senior Parochial Vicar, Archangel Gabriel Parish Chaplain, Felician Sisters McKees Rocks, PA

“The Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays is an invaluable resource for my work as a liturgist on a college campus. Our student interns reference the book on a weekly basis to help them reflect on the Scripture readings and to prepare Sunday Masses and special liturgical celebrations. Sourcebook provides our student leaders with a reflective tool which empowers them to prepare student-focused and culturally relevant liturgy for our campus.”
— Amy Omi, mmed University Minister for Liturgy and the Arts Coordinator for Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Dominican University River Forest, Illinois

“As a parish and diocesan youth ministry leader, I have found the Sourcebook For Sunday, Seasons, and Weekdays to be a helpful tool for planning liturgies and weekly staff discussions. It can help the pastor prepare for his homily as well as preparing my own talks or reflections and lectio divina with youth. I highly recommend it as a resource for all pastoral ministers.”
— Michael N. Buckler, mdiv Regional Associate Director Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry Diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida

“I have relied on Sourcebook as a convenient reference and inspiration for ideas for parish liturgy for years. In addition to the resources for each day, I know I can count on the online resources and seasonal introductions as a help for preparation throughout the liturgical year.”
— Rev. Marc A. Gawronski Moderator of the Downriver Family of Parishes Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan

“LTP’s Sourcebook For Sunday, Seasons, and Weekdays is an excellent resource for those who are preparing liturgies week in and week out. The material contained within this resource is simple and easy to understand. It is a great resource for our clergy and lay ministers. Our parish community has used Sourcebook for many years and is a staple in our preparation process.”
— Letty Spain Director of Worship and Music Church of the Holy Spirit San Antonio, Texas

LTP’s Sourcebook For Sunday, Seasons, and Weekdays is a must-have for any Catholic ministry. While it informs our liturgical preparations, Sourcebook also affords us the opportunity to inspire countless other initiatives throughout the university community. I value its ability to help us make the celebration of the Mass the central force for various mission-centered initiatives on campus.
— Rev. Kevin Nadolski, osfs, phd. Vice President for Mission DeSales University Center Valley, Pennsylvania

“I really enjoy reading my Sourcebook. It gives me another way to reflect on the weekly readings as a volunteer in music ministry in the Catholic Church. It is another avenue to prepare my heart for the liturgy and to pray and sing the psalms.”
—Marilyn Zank Music Minister Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish Midland, Michigan

Sourcebook is an invaluable tool. Not only does it help us prepare for regular liturgies—it also provides a supportive resource in preparing our faculty and administrative weekly reflections. For a number of years, it has been difficult to find quality reviews of the daily readings that were helpful for those of us in an elementary school setting. Sourcebook is a welcome aid in that regard.”
— Dan Sherman Principal, St. Paul School Seattle, Washington

“The Sourcebook For Sunday, Seasons, and Weekdays is my go-to book for preparation of our liturgies. I don’t know how I would manage without it! One of the best Catholic resources available!”
— Deacon Roger Macias San Fernando Cathedral Archdiocese of San Antonio, Texas

“Each annual edition of Sourcebook, as well as other liturgical publications from LTP, provides a consistent fresh approach to enliven the liturgical assembly. With the help of Sourcebook, each Mass can be challenging, uplifting, and spiritually nourishing—enabling the assembly to continue celebrating and living the mysteries of the Divine Liturgy of Word and Eucharist.”
— Father John J. Murphy Senior Associate, St. Luke Parish Erie, Pennsylvania

"As a retired layperson, I find Sourcebook very useful in my daily Scripture-reading and prayer life. In particular, the Scripture Insights and Preaching Points help clarify my understanding.”
— Theresa McLaughlin Saugus, Massachusetts

“I use Sourcebook for breaking open the Word for RCIA and Bible study. I find it helpful in uplifting themes of study and focus for the discussions I lead. The background information provided for the daily and weekly readings is also very valuable.”
— Venus Wozniak St. Dennis Parish Lockport, Illinois

“If I could only have one liturgy resource, it would be Sourcebook For Sunday, Seasons, and Weekdays. Always full of good ideas and answers to any questions, it is the perfect go-to for anyone who prepares liturgies of any kind.”
— Christina Norton Pastoral Associate St. Mary of the Woods Parish Chicago, Illinois

“I am currently a freelance Church musician, and I play for local Catholic school's Masses. Since the Masses are on weekdays, I find the short daily commentaries and ideas very helpful in preparing appropriate music. When I was music director for my parish, I greatly appreciated the insight and reminders Sourcebook would give daily, weekly, and seasonally.”
— Lucy Hurley Former Music Director/Organist St. Joseph Church Fredonia, New York
