Peregrinos de la esperanza
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Peregrinos de la esperanza
La misa nos robustece para el bien del mundo

Stephen S. Wilbricht, csc

Order code: SPGH | 978-1-61671-789-6 | Saddlestitched | 4-1/4 x 5-1/2 | 32 pages | Language: Spanish | Copyright Year: 2024

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As we prepare to celebrate the Jubilee Year, this short booklet invites us to explore the various ways the Mass fosters our hope in God’s promise of salvation. It is divided into five brief chapters that look at how different parts of the Mass help us along our pilgrim journey to God. This journey begins with our baptism and ends when we are welcomed into God’s heavenly kingdom. The Mass supports us as we strive to remain on God’s path by living in the hope of Christ’s salvation in a world that is troubled by suffering, division, and violence. Through our participation in the liturgy, we are brought deeper into the community of faith and hope, are formed by the Word of God to continue along our pilgrim journey, are given the source of our hope—Christ—in the Eucharist, and are sent out to share that hope with the world.

As we celebrate the Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee year, this booklet enables the faithful to live in the hope of Christ’s salvation more fully. The reflection questions at the end of each chapter encourage greater participation in the liturgy and in living out Christ’s message of hope in our daily lives.

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