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An Introduction to the Restored Order explores the historical, theological, and catechetical dimensions of celebrating the sacraments of initiation in the order of baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist. It is primarily written for catechists who are guiding children and parents along the journey of the restored order, but others who are interested in this process will find useful insights as well. Through a deeper understanding of the restored order and its place in the Church’s sacramental life, catechists are inspired to form children, parents, and the whole parish into lifelong disciples. Questions at the end of each chapter provide an opportunity for readers to reflect on their own understanding and experience of initiation. These questions can also be used to guide group discussions about the way the restored order is practiced in a parish community.
"The confirmation of children before first Communion is an idea that some people love, others do not, and many have not even heard of. This rare book explores the history and theology of the sequence of these sacraments. Even better, it provides guidance for appropriate catechesis and talking points for those trying to understand or explain this restored order of the sacraments of initiation. Regardless of what age of confirmation you consider best, this book will make you think."
— Rev. Paul Turner, pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, Missouri
"In my thirteen years as bishop of the diocese of Prince Albert, I was blessed to witness the enthusiasm and boldness of faith of young children who completed their initiation into the Church through their confirmation and first Communion in the restored order. Their excitement for their faith illustrates the beauty of receiving the grace of these sacraments in this particular order and at a younger age. It inspires their parents, parishes, and diocese to a greater commitment to the mission of discipleship. An Introduction to the Restored Order: History, Theology, and Catechesis helps catechists better understand the mission of Christ and the Church in these sacraments and gives practical and insightful suggestions for supporting children, families, and parishes on this lifelong journey of Christian life."
— The Most Reverend Albert Thévenot, M. Afr., bishop emeritus, Diocese of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada
"It is a rare book that is both beautiful and practical. An Introduction to the Restored Order is one of them. This book offers a beautiful—and much needed—elucidation of the history and theology of restored order sacraments, while also providing an eminently practical resource for implementing the restored order and meeting the challenges and concerns that often surround it. For those in a restored order diocese, or a diocese considering it, this book is a resource that all pastors, faith formators, catechists, and teachers should read, and return to often!"
— Steve Greene, director, Kino Catechetical Institute, Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona