Q&A: Seasons, Sacraments and Sacramentals
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Q&A: Seasons, Sacraments and Sacramentals

Dennis C. Smolarski, sj

Order code: QASEA | 978-1-56854-391-8 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 120 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2003

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Can a layperson preside at a blessing? Should a wedding always be celebrated during a celebration of Eucharist? Can names be added to the litany of the saints? Should chrism be wiped off after Confirmation? Should individual confessions be celebrated during or after a communal reconciliation service?

In this second volume of the Q&A series, Father Dennis Smolarski, sj, answers these and more questions about the liturgy and its celebration—40 in all—posed by priests, liturgists, music directors, liturgy committees, ministry coordinators and diocesan liturgy offices. As in the first volume, Q&A: The Mass, the answers are informed by both the author’s legal expertise and his pastoral sensitivity. Subject topics include Baptism, Confirmation, Penance, Marriage and Anointing of the Sick; funerals and blessings; liturgical architecture and objects; devotions; and celebrating Advent and Christmas, and Lent and Easter. The answer to each question takes into account the latest edition of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, as well as other official documents. At the same time, each answer is informed with the common sense and pastoral concern of an experienced presider and member of the assembly.

This supplement will be available soon.