Real Presence of Christ in the Liturgy and in the World
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The Real Presence of Christ in the Liturgy and in the World

Anne Y. Koester

Order code: PRO | 978-1-61671-732-2 | Paperback | 5 3/8 x 8 3/8 | 80 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2024

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Often when we think of Christ’s presence in the liturgy, we think of his risen presence in the sacrament of the Eucharist. Sacrosanctum concilium, the first document of the Second Vatican Council, presents the four-fold presence of Christ in the liturgy as well as in the Body of Christ, the Church. This resource explores these modes of Christ’s presence and calls us to deepen our understanding and experience of how Christ is present to us both in the liturgy and in the world. With biblical and theological foundations, it provides an opportunity for Catholics to engage with the symbols of the liturgy so as to deepen their relationship with God and with each other.

“Anne Koester reminds us that the Eucharistic liturgy is about Christ and us. She unpacks the presence of Christ in a way that calls us to action in our living. We can no longer say that we have fulfilled an obligation by attending Mass, for Anne clearly states that our obligation is in our living and encountering of one another. This book is a must read for anyone seeking to understand the Eucharistic liturgy in our living.”
— Timone A Davis, dmin Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology Loyola University Chicago Institute of Pastoral Studies

“As a Roman Catholic priest, I was delighted to review The Real Presence of Christ in the Liturgy. The book is presented in a fashionable way, easy to read, and with good art. Anne emphasizes that Christ’s presence permeates all living things and is present in every human life. We value the baptismal ministry and calling of all and [recognize] the Body of Christ within us—in the ordinary people who gather and who are called to be Christ to one another. The book challenges us to see the real presence of Christ in our brothers and sisters, particularly in the ones that suffer injustice among us.”
— Fr. Liam Lawton Irish Singer, Songwriter, and Priest Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin Ireland

"“I roundly welcome Anne Koester’s reflections on The Real Presence in the Liturgy and in the World, which add breadth and depth to months leading up to the Eucharistic Revival: Christ is present to the Church and in the Church, especially revealed and rehearsed in liturgy. Her scriptural, liturgical, historical commentary is made even more accessible and welcoming by weaving in meditations on Christ’s presence from Pope Francis.”
— Roc O’Connor, sj Liturgical Composer and Author

“Anne Koester’s exploration of the multiple modes of Christ’s presence through our liturgical worship (in the assembly, its minister(s), the proclamation of God’s Word, and the sacrament of the Eucharist) and in the “liturgy of life” is a welcome resource for developing a more profound liturgical spirituality. Grounding her reflections in a sensitive appreciation of the sheer variety of our encounters with Christ, she harvests insights from the Bible and from liturgical history to help present-day worshipers identify and deepen these encounters. Highly recommended for all worshippers, especially catechumens and their guides, those in formation for liturgical ministries, and those dedicated to serving God’s Kingdom-justice in this world.”
— Fr. Michael Joncas Liturgical Composer and Theologian Emeritus Professor of Theology and Catholic Studies University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota

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