Order code: PCGIRM | 978-1-61671-038-5 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 256 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2011
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A Pastoral Commentary on the General Instruction of the Roman Missal is an accessible reference for priests, deacons, as well as all liturgical ministers and liturgy committees. As Monsignor Joseph DeGrocco clarifies and comments on each article in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM), he helps parishes live and enact the rites, enriching their celebration of the Eucharist. This book aims to help Catholics reflect more deeply on the meaning of the Mass and the significance of what we do at Mass and aid parishes in celebrating the Eucharist in a way that is faithful to the norms of the Church and reflective of the goal of fully conscious and active participation envisioned by the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. DeGrocco provides a perspective that seeks to enact the rite in all its fullness, allowing the richness of the symbols and actions to be manifested and expressed.
This resource can be viewed as a compendium of best practices to help parishes live out the liturgy as described in the GIRM. It is a resource for seminarians as well as all in the parish. Parish liturgy committees will find it an excellent resource to evaluate their liturgies, and priests and deacons will find that they return to it again and again for further understanding of the liturgy.
"As we focus on the revised Roman Missal, liturgy committees would do well to take a year to use this book as a study text. It's a great study text for any liturgy committee."
—Stephen Palanca,
Director of Liturgy at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Chicago
This supplement will be available soon.