Sourcebook about Mary
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A Sourcebook about Mary

J. Robert Baker, Barbara Budde

Order code: MARYSB | 978-1-56854-385-7 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 152 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2002

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This newest addition to LTP's Sourcebook series of anthologies honors Mary of Nazareth, mother of Jesus, mother of God and mother of the Church. Like the other volumes in the series, A Sourcebook about Mary gathers hymns, poetry, scripture and prayers, arranging them according to the eight phrases of the Ave Maria, or Hail Mary, one the most beloved of Catholic prayers. These phrases are then answered by a section from the Magnificat, Mary's extravagant affirmation of God's enduring love and constant care for the poor. Images from the Litany of Loretto, an extended praise of Mary as model and disciple, grace each section.

A Sourcebook about Mary is a marvelous addition to any spiritual library, and it makes a wonderful gift for anyone with a special love for Mary: mother, woman, advocate and protector. It can be used for private prayer and devotional reading, as well as for homily and liturgy preparation during Advent and Christmas, and on feasts of Mary. Parents and grandparents, women and men, priests and ministers, young and old, will all find in this collection a treasury of praise for the first and model disciple, a sample of the beauty of our Catholic tradition, and encouragement to live as Mary did, proclaiming the good news of God's love for the poor and God's thirst for justice.

This supplement will be available soon.