Living a Liturgical Spirituality
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Living a Liturgical Spirituality
Journeying Daily with Christ

Joyce Ann Zimmerman, cpps

Order code: LSJ | 978-1-61671-676-9 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 96 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2022

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In Living a Liturgical Spirituality, acclaimed author, teacher, and speaker, Joyce Ann Zimmerman, cpps, offers an in-depth exploration of the transformative power of the radical encounter with Christ in the Church’s liturgy. Zimmerman elegantly illustrates how encountering the paschal mystery in liturgy informs and shapes the way we live; it animates our personal spirituality and is at the heart of living out our baptism. As an essential resource for all liturgical ministers, Zimmerman’s book helps the reader understand that a “liturgical spirituality is about falling in love; it is about inviting us to love God, each other, and self ever more deeply.” It will enrich and deepen the spiritual lives of any disciple, especially those involved in liturgical ministries. The included appendix is a vital tool, inviting ministers to contemplate more sincerely the spirituality of each unique liturgical ministry.

Sr. Joyce Ann Zimmerman reminds us that everyone can and should develope a liturgical spirituality because living the liturgy is at the heart of the Catholic Life. Ideal for study groups or personal reflection, this book is a rich resource of theology, spiritual reflection, and practical suggestions, which will help all Catholics, especially liturgical ministers, allow the fruits of the liturgy to transform their lives and guide their everyday decisions.

—Betty-Ann Medeiros Hickey
Associate Director of the Office of Worship, Archdiocese of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA

Living a Liturgical Spirituality invites readers to meditate on the paschal mystery; Zimmerman gives us a look at how we can live our faith and take Christ our to the world. This is a great read and a gift to be given to all involved in liturgical ministry and formation.

—Gabriel Gabaldon
Pastoral Associate for Liturgy, Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Fe, NM

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