Lectionary Bulletin Inserts
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Lectionary Bulletin Inserts
Reflections on the First and Second Readings, Year A

Paul Turner

Order code: LIRA | 978-1-61671-488-8 | Digital Product | 8 1/2 x 11 | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2019

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Price: $29.95

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Lectionary Bulletin Inserts Year B Click here and Year C Click here are also available.

This well-written resource by Fr. Paul Turner is designed to help people learn more about the first and second readings for the Sundays and major feasts in Year A. These brief reflections will invite and challenge readers to apply the message to their daily lives. They are designed as bulletin inserts, but can be used in any parish publication, including the parish website or parish newsletter.

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Customers please note: the purchase of this download grants permission for use to one institution. Customers may not transfer or send the files to others. There are no refunds, returns, or exchanges for this product.

This supplement will be available soon.