Order code: LCDSVC | 978-1-61671-314-0 | Paperback | 6 x 9 | 144 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2016
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The Second Vatican Council was arguably one of the most significant events in the Catholic Church during the twentieth century. The Council produced sixteen documents that articulated significant issues facing the Church and repositioned Catholic theology in light of the modern world. Most notably, the first document of the Council, Sacrosanctum Concilium, emphasized the liturgy as the source and summit of Christian life. As such, the liturgy is intimately connected to all facets of Church theology and practice. This unique collection presents a comprehensive evaluation of each document of the Second Vatican Council. Written by contemporary liturgical scholars and theologians, each article provides an overview of key theological themes, historical and pastoral considerations, and how the document relates to our understanding and experience of the liturgy as source and summit.
“The teaching of Vatican Council II has application to every aspect of the life of the Church and to every aspect of our own lives. By analysis of the sixteen final documents of the Council, this collection of studies shows how it applies in practical ways to our understanding and practice of liturgy.”
—John W. O'Malley, S.J., University Professor, Department of Theology, Georgetown University
“This well-written and accessible volume demonstrates well the Council's teaching that the liturgy is the summit and font of the Christian life. It does so by first offering clear explanations of the central contributions of each of the Second Vatican Council's sixteen documents and then by explaining how these contributions further illuminate the role of the liturgy in the Christian life. With contributions by some of the leading scholars in their field, this volume will be a valuable resource for theology teachers, catechists, and other pastoral ministers who want to use the teaching of Vatican II to deepen the liturgical spirituality of the faithful.”
—Richard R. Gaillardetz, Joseph Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology, Boston College
This supplement will be available soon.