Now and at the Hour of Our Death, Third Edition
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Now and at the Hour of Our Death, Third Edition
Instructions for My Medical Treatment, Finances, and Funeral

Various authors, including Victoria M. Tufano

Order code: HOUR3 | 978-1-61671-679-0 | Saddlestitched | 7 x 10 | 80 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2022

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Preparing for your own death removes a great burden from your loved ones who will be suffering deep sadness upon your death.

Preparing ahead of time will let them grieve without worrying whether they are fulfilling your wishes, and it may prevent conflict among family members. This booklet is a hopeful, prayerful, and practical guide that will help you record your wishes for the end of your life and funeral. It provides space for recording information regarding DNRs, living wills, and finances. It will guide you through the consumer information for funerals, while also providing theological reflections on the Catholic funeral liturgy, so you can select the Scripture readings and music you would like to be offered at your own funeral. This booklet is grounded in Catholic teaching and will help you make arrangements that reflect your faith in Christ.

"Now and at the Hour of Our Death is a beautiful and complete resource for Catholic families. All too often we do not take the time to face our mortality and express our wishes to family members. This resource covers all the expected and unexpected aspects of funeral preparation while remaining true to our Catholic identity.”
— Paula Patterson Parishioner, Holy Spirit Catholic Church Overland Park, KS

Now and at the Hour of Our Death is an amazing compilation of practical information to help individuals develop a comprehensive tool that can be used to pre-plan for end of life. I thought I had done pre-planning for the end of life, but in reading through this information I realize there is so much more to consider. Thank you for providing this excellent resource!"
— Michele Goldman Parishioner, St. Agnes Catholic Church Shepherdstown, WV

“This publication serves not only as a clear, concise, and comprehensive handbook on issues to be addressed before and after one's death, but also as a practical workbook to record and preserve one's wishes and instructions regarding them. As such it is a most thoughtful, generous, and compassionate gift to those loved ones left behind. It will surely lighten the load of their responsibilities and allow them more easily to grieve in peace--a genuine act of kindness that lives beyond the grave.”
— Tom Ruhf Parishioner, St. Agnes Catholic Church Shepherdstown, WV

Death is never something that we like to discuss. However, with Now and at the Hour of Our Death, it makes this difficult process easier. This book is for anyone who wants to make sure their instructions are made known from finances, medical issues, to the funeral itself. This easy-to-use, detailed, guide will help ease the stress of loved ones during such a difficult time. It is truly a gift for your loved ones."
— Andrew T. Burson, ma Assistant Director of Pastoral Ministry St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church Westerville, Ohio

This supplement will be available soon.