From Mass to Mission
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From Mass to Mission
Understanding the Mass and Its Significance for Our Christian Life for Teens

Trish Sullivan Vanni

Order code: FMMT | 978-1-61671-296-9 | Saddlestitched | 5 3/8 x 8 3/8 | 48 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2016

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Every Sunday, Catholics gather together to attend Mass in memory of Jesus Christ. At Mass we give God our thanksgiving, praise, and worship. We hear his Word, receive the Body and Blood of Christ, and are charged with an important mission — to be like Christ in the world.

This resource is an insightful exploration of the Mass and its importance in our life of faith. Filled with illustrations, photos, activities, and questions for reflection, this resource explores the parts of the Mass to help teens understand the meaning of the prayers, responses, acclamations, gestures, signs, and symbols. Additionally, From Mass to Mission will inspire teens to more actively participate in the Mass and carry out our mission as Christ’s disciples in the world.

“From Mass to Mission is a resource that has been greatly needed for Catholic school faculty, catechists, and youth ministers who hope to bring the meaning, depth, and mystery of the Mass to their teens. This brief booklet offers insight in an accessible manner without ‘dumbing down’ the content, and like the Mass itself, this book is timeless in its invitation to reflect on the ‘source and summit of the Christian life,’ the Eucharist.”

—Leisa Anslinger,
Director, Catholic Life and Faith,
Loveland, OH


“As a catechist, I love that this resource offers solid theology to help me explain the Mass.  It provides practical answers for teens’ typical questions and is firmly grounded in the love and mystery of God at the center of the liturgy and our lives.”

—Sara McGinnis Lee,
Eighth grade catechist and parent,
St. Francis Xavier, St. Louis, MO


“This book is a great resource to help teenagers, and even young adults, to delve into what it means to engage and fully participate in the Mass. With wonderful self-reflection questions, step-by-step explanations of what goes on in the Mass, and easy to understand definitions of liturgical terms, this book is sure to help bring a greater level of understanding of what it means to celebrate the liturgy to anyone who reads it.”

—Stasia Manak,
Laurel, Maryland

This supplement will be available soon.