Daily Bread of the Word
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Daily Bread of the Word
Reflections on the Weekday Lectionary Readings

Albert Vanhoye, sj

Order code: DBW | 978-1-61671-377-5 | Hardcover | 6 x 9 | 768 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2019

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Daily Bread of the Word: Reflections on the Weekday Lectionary Readings is an English translation of Cardinal Albert Vanhoye’s reflections on the daily readings of lectionary, Il Pane Quotidiano della Parola: Commento alle letture feriali della Mess ciclo I e II (Daily Bread of the Word: A Commentary on the Daily Readings of the Mass, Year I and Year II). World-famous scripture scholar Cardinal Albert Vanhoye, sj, provides insightful and well-grounded exegesis of selected daily Mass readings in a prayerful reflective spirit. It is an excellent prayer resource for priests and deacons and religious. It is also an excellent resource for those called to preach during the week, as well as lay people interested in delving deeper into the exegesis of the daily on the Mass readings.

Cardinal Vanhoye’s commentary on the weekday Lectionary readings 'breaks open' our daily ration of God’s Word in a way that is at once profound and simple. He employs the resources of his solid scholarship in order to explain the inspired text in a way that situates the message within the rich tradition of the faith and makes it easy to apply that teaching to meeting the challenges that come from trying to live as authentic witnesses to Jesus as the world’s Savior. … I recommend this book to all who hunger for the Lord’s Word of saving love, and I pray that after they are fed they will become zealous agents for sharing this Word with a world that is starving for the Christ’s message of mercy and redemption.
—Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron
Archbishop of Detroit

Vanhoye’s reflections provide a rare insight into the multiple contexts within which each lectionary text is situated. With admirable economy of words, he succeeds in providing just enough biblical exegesis to pastorally place each reading not only within its proper liturgical setting but also within the universal human concerns that have accompanied readers of scripture for millennia.
—Very Reverend John Kartje
University of St. Mary of the Lake / Mundelein Seminary

This work by the eminent former rector of the Biblicum will be a gift to all clerics who read with vulnerability to truth and beauty. To read this commentary is to be tutored in the Scripture’s deepest wisdom while simultaneously being ushered into prayer before the One who is Word itself. Using this commentary as preparatory source for preaching, expanding resource for lectio divina, and pathway for deepening prayer will orient any cleric to a deep encounter with Him who came to reveal the mystery Who is God.
—Deacon James Keating, PhD
Institute for Priestly Formation
Creighton University, Omaha NE

This supplement will be available soon.