Year with Sofia Cavalletti:
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A Year with Sofia Cavalletti:
Daily Reflections on the Spiritual and Theological Influences of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Ann Garrido

Order code: CGSYSC | 978-1-61671-409-3 | Paperback | 5 3/8 x 8 3/8 | 448 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2017

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A Year with Sofia Cavalletti: Daily Reflections on the Spiritual and Theological Influences of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd provides a short excerpt for each day from significant theologians and scholars who informed Cavalletti’s understanding of Scripture, liturgy, and the spiritual life, as well as a question for further meditation. A brief biography of the writer introduces each chapter.

"Sofia Cavalletti is known for her pioneering catechetical method that encourages children to experience the faith as a life-giving encounter with the Holy through direct contact with the Bible and the liturgy. Her catechesis of the Good Shepherd was born from her insightful interpretation of the thought of key theologians and practitioners who pointed to the richness of the Christian (and Jewish) tradition as a dynamic source for inviting children into a loving and joyful relationship with God. We all owe Ann Garrido a debt of gratitude for having compiled short meditations drawn not only from Cavalletti's writings, but also from the work of such luminaries as Maria Montessori, Abraham Joshua Heschel, Romano Guardini, Paul Ricoeur, and Cipriano Vagaggini and others with whom she was in creative dialogue. This volume not only provides fundamental insights into the spirit that gave the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd life and profundity, but also represents a kind of primer of some of the best theological and pedagogical thinking of the 20th Century. "

—Rev. Mark R. Francis, CSV,
President, Catholic Theological Union,
Chicago, IL


"Dr. Garrido’s book is more than a centenary collection of Sofia Cavalletti’s words, important as that is. It is also an invaluable compilation of the writings of friends whom Sofia knew in person, and of persons she encountered through their writings and truly befriended. What friends they are! Each of them has not only contributed to the 'passionate and impassioned' work of Sofia’s life—the Good Shepherd Catechesis—but also to creating a brighter world for everyone. This work contains rich biographical information as well as seminal passages of each of the persons in this good company. Its format invites us to pause for a few minutes each day, to savour a few words at a time, and to reflect for a few moments—all of which serves to allow ourselves be changed, as Sofia was, by each of these bearers of God’s love and light."

—Patricia Coulter, DMin,
Toronto, Canada

This supplement will be available soon.