Order code: BOBCRE | 978-1-61671-427-7 | Hardcover | 7 x 10 | 400 pages | Language: Bilingual: English & Spanish | Only ships to: USA | Copyright Year: 2020
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This bilingual edition of the Order of Baptism of Children includes the new English translation and 2009 Spanish edition (updated with texts from the Misal Romano) in facing pages. This edition also includes the Spanish scripture readings formatted into sense lines, matching the English and providing ease of proclamation.
The bilingual edition of the Order of Baptism of Children contains the following:
Features include:
Printed and bound in the United States of America.
About the Cover:
Through the waters of Baptism, a new Christian enters into relationship with God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This relationship, or divine dance, extends to all the Christian encounters, for by this sacramental initiation, the newly baptized has committed to being like Christ in the world. The beautiful cover design of this ritual book reflects the diversity of the Church and evokes influences from Hispanic, Greek, and Celtic art. It symbolically depicts the many theological meanings of Baptism. Representing the waters of the font are spiral waves surrounding concentric rows of triangular tile. The three rows symbolize the Triune God and correspond to the three times the person is immersed in the reconciling waters. The size of the tiles provide a visual effect that calls to mind descending and ascending steps within many immersion fonts, thus symbolizing that through Baptism, a person dies to self and rises anew with Christ Jesus. The circular nature of the font represents both an immersion font and the unity that Baptism forms with God and other baptized Christians. The center of the font is a triple spiral. It reminds us that Baptism is an encounter with the Triune God and the spirals point to the waters of the font.
Click here to view the English edition.
This supplement will be available soon.