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{{vm.product.SpProduct.Article}} Anointed to Lead
The Baptismal Call of the Parish Staff

Stephen S. Wilbricht, csc, and various authors

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In Anointed to Lead: The Baptismal Call of the Parish Staff, Stephen S. Wilbricht, csc, and a team of ministers invite parish staffs and leaders to reflect on how they can guide parishioners to embrace their baptismal vocation of discipleship and mission. To support parish administrative staff, this resource presents an examination of the communal nature of baptism by author Stephen S. Wilbricht, csc, concrete examples from pastoral ministers of ways discipleship is lived out, and seven short prayer services that reflect on aspects of baptism.

Using this resource, your pastoral team will explore the connection between the theology of baptism and the practical ways your parish lives out their identify of priest, prophet, and king in the world today.

Anointed to Lead: The Baptismal Call of the Parish Staff is an excellent resource to nurture the spiritual and ministerial development of the staff. Fr. Stephen Wilbricht addresses the topics of parish leadership and Christian discipleship as coming from the baptismal call to holiness.

—Valerie Lee-Jeter, Music director at St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Philadelphia

Anointed to Lead will inspire parish staff as it challenges them to a fuller understanding of the relationship of baptism to ministry. While exploring the theology of baptism, author Stephen S. Wilbricht, csc, and contributing authors show ways to guide parishioners to live out their baptism daily through discipleship and service.

—Fr. Randall R. Phillips,std, Pastor of St. Blase Church, Sterling Heights, Michigan

Anointed to Lead inspires and challenges parish staff as they “animate the priestly service of parishioners.” Interspersed with Stephen Wilbricht’s liturgical, historical, and scriptural foundation for baptismal ecclesiology are anecdotes from a pastor, music minister, religious educator, and volunteer coordinator. These everyday instances resonate with those in similar roles. The short prayer reflections further emphasize the importance of shifting pastoral thinking from an insular group to a journeying community, making God’s justice evident in all we do.

—Mary Patricia Storms, Pastoral associate for adult faith formation, Our Lady of the Presentation Parish, Lee’s Summit, MO

In Anointed to Lead, Fr. Stephen Wilbricht truly presents a model for living in the parish as a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people set apart. This model is desperately needed in a time when the Church must be a true body of common unity in Christ.

—Father Ajani K. Gibson, St. Peter Claver Catholic Church, New Orleans

Anointed to Lead rejuvenates the pastoral spirit and helps fill in the gaps toward discovering our baptismal call, whether in a parish, at a diocesan level, at a non-profit organization, or simply applying it to our own personal journey.

—Yolanda Madrid, Assistant to the vice chancellor and director of apostolic and ethnic affairs for the Diocese of San Bernardino
